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Resultados de la búsqueda : locutor

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  • Búsqueda avanzada
  • Raúl Lira Cornett (ellocutor)

    I have been aprofessional journalist for 10 years, graduated from the Catholic UniversityCecilio Acosta as a Bachelor of Social Communication, mention SOCIALDEVELOPMENT, with a cum laude degree, I have worked as a radio journalist fordifferent open signal stations such as: RADIO VIBRACION, RADIO UNICA, SOLARRADIO, CARNIVAL RADIO, PURA CANDELA RADIO, RADIO RADIO.Currently, radiostations are developing through the information superhighway (internet),managing to position itself with a large audience such asNOTIVENEZUELARADIO.COM, in which I have the responsibility of making the(daily) news [...]