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How to publish an audio book in Blavox

Have you finished the writing process and you want to know how to publish an audio book?

We know how many hours you have worked on it and how important it is for you to distribute it with a quality edition.

In Blavox we offer you the necessary tools and services to edit and publish your audio book in more than 7 countries.

We accompany you throughout the process, from the manuscript to the finished audio book:

1. We value your work and guide you about the editing and publishing options that best suit your needs.

2. We put at your disposal our team of professionals to turn your work into an edited audio book and ready for sale.

3. 3. We distribute your audio book on hundreds of digital platforms such as Amazon,, and Itunes from Blavox.

4. We make your audio book available by order in our partner bookstores and for sale on our platform from anywhere in the world.

5. We facilitate the organization of events and presentations in our Bookstore Blavox (Madrid).
Listening to audiobooks increases reading comprehension by 76%, improves vocabulary and facilitates oral fluency.
Combining text and audio increases memorisation by 40% more than if we just read it ..
Listening to audiobooks improves concentration and attention.