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Resultados de la búsqueda : Golden time

Aproximadamente 2 resultados en 1 categorías
  • Búsqueda avanzada
  • war of empires the renaissance

    History is a river, and each generation throws into the flow its own memories, battles and conquests. Some of these, wrapped in the glory of victories or marked by the scars of defeats, dissolve in the current of oblivion. Others, however, remain like stones in the riverbed, motionless, defying the passage of time. In the 16th century, the world was at a crossroads, where entire kingdoms could rise or fall in the blink of an eye. Empires such as the Spanish, the Ottoman and the Holy Roman fought for supremacy in Europe, Asia and the New World. This is the story of those who lived in that [...]
  • The Most Listened To Music

    Rock music originated in the united states and the 1960s in the united kingdom. the first was kanown as the "golden age" or also the period of "classic rock" , in which rock n roll, emerged, whose first theme in history was that s allright, Elvis Presley s mama according tho other researchers was "fat man" by fats dominio ), considered the king of the genre. During the 1950s rock became popular on a large scale in the united states in the west thanks to artists such as Eddie Cochran, Jerry Lee Lewis and Roy Orbison, it not the great "black" rock musicians Chuck berry, Bo Diddley and little [...]