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Resultados de la búsqueda : onofre quezada

Aproximadamente 4 resultados en 1 categorías
  • Búsqueda avanzada
  • Saxophone Romantic Music, for rest and meditation

    This audiobook combines relaxing saxophone sound, soft music, and ( no announcer ). relaxing saxophone music, it is a soft instrumental music that makes it easier to rest and relax, the body after a long day of work and helps you enter a state of perfect, tranquility. relaxing saxophone music combines musical instrumen that are easy to listen to and appreciate for a complete state of relaxation.
  • The Most Listened To Music

    Rock music originated in the united states and the 1960s in the united kingdom. the first was kanown as the "golden age" or also the period of "classic rock" , in which rock n roll, emerged, whose first theme in history was that s allright, Elvis Presley s mama according tho other researchers was "fat man" by fats dominio ), considered the king of the genre. During the 1950s rock became popular on a large scale in the united states in the west thanks to artists such as Eddie Cochran, Jerry Lee Lewis and Roy Orbison, it not the great "black" rock musicians Chuck berry, Bo Diddley and little [...]
  • TE LO CUENTO # 1

    A jusgar por la mayoria de paramentros Estados Unidos y el mundo actual estan en una situacion mejor que hace un año, cuando la economia estuvo afectada por la pandemia del covid 19. pero aunque aunque algunas cosas han mejorado, la verdad es que otras parecieran ir de mal en peor es por ello que a traves de este libro el autor comparte contigo un poco acerca de esos temas, que de una u otra manera a todos nos afectan, espero entonces que toda esta informacion te pueda ser muy util y que ademas puedas compartir el libro con alguien, te lo cuento es un maravilloso libro para descubrir [...]
  • Saxophone Romantic Music, for rest and meditation

    This audiobook combines relaxing saxophone sound, soft music, and ( no announcer ). relaxing saxophone music, it is a soft instrumental music that makes it easier to rest and relax, the body after a long day of work and helps you enter a state of perfect, tranquility. relaxing saxophone music combines musical instrumen that are easy to listen to and appreciate for a complete state of relaxation.